Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Back On The Meds

So it seems life without medication was not for me. I cannot hide my disappointment. I relished being drug free, but I think going back on Azathioprine is for the best.

Over the past year and a half I have been coping well. Feeling good, energy levels okay, holding down a pretty serious job as a highly paid consultant, and fulfilling my duties as a father with a young family.

It seems I was in a cycle where I would be well for a couple of days, then have a bad tummy for the rest of the week. I was coping. But I was never fair away from a flare up. At one point I got a little depressed when I realised that despite my best efforts I could not stabilise my condition for a sustained period.

At the trip to the outpatients today I was told that my latest results of blood and stool tests where okay. It shows good levels of iron, etc., but a reading of 20 for inflammation. Not bad as a normal reading during a flare up is 80, but it shows that Cronhs is still active.

So I agreed to go back on Azathioprine. As much as my heart wants to stay drug free I could not argue. The medication worked well for me for a number of years with no serious side effects – so I have nothing to loose.

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