Monday, January 18, 2010


Apologies for not keeping this blog as up to date as I should..

The reason excuse is that I have simply been quite well.. Which is great news!

I still get the odd bad day. As mentioned in previous posts I have come to find that yeast and smoking really effects my condition. Staying off the smokes helps the most and trying not to consume to much yeast keeps me tip top.

Juice diet is out the window.. Although the juicer is still kool and will continue to use it sporadically.

Recently I have notices certain yeast products are worse for me. I think this is because they contain high levels of fast acting yeast. Certain breads and real ales seem to be okay for me.

Hence I have recently staying baking my own bread and continue to buy Paul Ranklin's great yeast free goods.

I will endeavor to do better with the updates in 2010 (perhaps that should be my belated resolution).

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